COVID-19 Clinic Protocol – 5/26/2020 Updated

For the safety of our staff and our patients, we are continuing to screen each patient when they are scheduled, during the appointment confirmation call, and at check-in. Each COVID-19 symptomatic person is asked to postpone their appointment. 

We continue to ask that all accompanying visitors remain in their vehicle for the duration of the appointment following check-in. In the case of pediatric patients, we would allow for both parents to remain in the building.

In terms of our staff, we are asking our staff to take their temperatures before arriving to work. If there is any question about how they are feeling, we have asked them to stay home. During the workday, temperature readings will be available to them. They will also wear necessary protective gear to limit their exposure to safe levels.

Additionally, we are asking that our staff distance themselves as often as possible, not congregate after work, wash hands and use hand sanitizer as often as possible. We are also taking every opportunity to keep surfaces and operatories sterile and free of any type of virus.

As the situation develops and more information is released, we will adjust our protocol as necessary. If you would have any questions or concerns, please direct questions to any of our personnel.

– Doctors and Staff of the River Ridge Oral & Maxillofacial Surgical Center